

                                                Quran Learning Academy(distance education )

The Holy Quran is the final divine revelation (message of Allah). It was revealed to the last Prophet of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Holy Quran is the great source of advice, healing, guidance and mercy for the entire humanity. It is a universal message and is a complete code of life for the believers.

●When anyone recites the Holy Quran, he gets ten virtues written down for him against each letter.

●The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said the house in which the Holy Quran is read looks as bright as the shining stars to those who live in heavens.
●When anybody recites the verses of the Holy Quran standing in Namaz, gets hundred virtues against each letter of the Holy book he recites.
●The house, in which the Holy Quran is read, is visited by the angels for blessing and the Satans run away from that place.
In short, the reading and the recitation of the Holy Quran is the great source of worship as well as reward from Allah. But it should also be kept in mind that the reading of the Holy Quran has certain pre-requisites. Though the reading of the Holy Quran is permitted without Tajweed yet there are chances of mistakes too. Therefore it is necessary to learnt to pronounce each and every word of the Quran correctly.


                             HAFIZ  MOHAMMAD     SAAD MALIK                                                                    E-MAIL:- MSAADARID@GMAIL.COM                                                                                     CELL#0092-313-6461-761    

                                          CELL#0092-301-646-1761                                                                                             SKYPE:SAADMALIK761